| Alexander Family Fall Mini Session |
"I'm thankful I live in a world where there are Octobers." - Anne of Green Gables
I know it's not quite October yet, but it's coming. :) On this rainy Saturday afternoon I am enjoying a warm cup of tea, listening to Mumford & Sons new album, "Wilder Mind", wishing I owned the movie Anne of Green Gables and thinking about my "Fall 2015" bucket list. If you know me at all, you know I am crazy in love with the season, Fall, and everything it offers. Even though Fall tends to whisper hints of things dying off for the start of the Winter season, for me personally, Fall has been the "beginning" of many important milestones in my life.
One of those important beginnings was the start of a dear friendship that began about this time 2 years ago! My husband and I cherish our friends, Simon and Claire. They moved here from London, UK. Simon is the Drum instructor at Visible Music College, where my husband also works. This past year, both our families added new members to the clan. Simon and Claire had Oliver (he will be ONE October 10th - stay tuned for photos) and we had Mark (he will be ONE December 2nd!).
In celebration of Fall arriving, this year I am offering a great deal on mini sessions! The Alexander family was my first of many Fall mini sessions. We piled up in their red "Hotrod" Ford Taurus, drove to Jones Orchard in Millington, TN and chased down the sunset in the Apple and Peach orchards. Thank you Jones Orchards! It was SO sweet to let us shoot there. :)
I don't think I need to describe anymore for you to sense all the feelings and love that was going on in front of my lens. Enjoy! P.S. I have just a few slots left for mini sessions. Email me: marykatesteelephotography@gmail.com if you are interested in more details! :)