Caroline Logan Workshop 2016 | Personal
My desktop is literally buried underneath folders and folders of sessions that either need to be edited or blogged, but I've decided to take a break from editing to write this long awaited post! One of my many goals for 2016 was to do better at regularly blogging my sessions. Well, as you can probably see, that goal wasn't met the way I had hoped (it's going on top for the 2017 goal list), however, I did accomplish several other goals - one being "-attend a workshop".
I am going into my third year of wedding photography, my 6th year of photography as more than a hobby. Investing in a workshop that I knew would 1. challenge me, 2. help me improve my skills and style and 3. all around encourage me in my pursuit of my business was so important to me this year.
It has been a dream of mine to learn under Caroline. When she started her workshop two years ago, I knew this was the one I needed to attend. Caroline Logan has an incredible and inspiring story and she is also an amazing person - totally relatable, humble, such an encourager and of course beyond talented. Her style, taste and approach to wedding photography is right up my alley, so learning from her is priceless.
Caroline also happens to live in my neck of the woods of where I grew up! We have SO many mutual friends, but hadn't met until this year. Crazy! That being said, all the little minute logistical details that would either make or break this dream to attend her workshop fell right into place! You guys, I was ecstatic. I stayed with my family - spending a week at home (so I also got to visit them and some friends). My parents and sister graciously and willingly watched my little boy, Mark while I was away. He got some much needed time with them as well! I also got to spend time in my very favorite place on earth, my little hometown, Lititz, Pennsylvania. It was meant to be in so many ways and I am very thankful God made it all work out.
It's hard to really put into words everything I learned. The workshop was everything I needed at this point in my business. It was overwhelming in all the good ways, if that makes sense. :) I walked away from a 12 hour day learning new tricks in editing, shooting, and posing. I better understood how to run my business from a business mindset. I learned new ways to build relationships with my clients, turning them into lasting friendships, something that is so important to me. I was given the privilege of participating in an incredible styled bridal shoot (which, once I'm given the green light, I can share my own images from that). Last, but definitely not least, I made new friendships with a group of other incredibly talented women, all in similar, but different walks in their lives and businesses. It was one of the most encouraging and challenging opportunities I've had up to this point in my photography business and journey. It is an experience I will never forget and will always be so incredibly thankful I could attend.
If there is one general point I walked away with that anyone could apply to their own passions and dreams, it would be this: believe in yourself, never stop learning, stay humble and most importantly, never stop building your peers up. We are all in this together and it is beautiful. :)
Here are some photos from the workshop. Thank you Preston Groff Photography for capturing these moments. Edits by Caroline Logan Photography. iPhone photos included from my time in Lititz. <3