| Best Friend Seniors |
We as girls, as women, need our person, our best friend. We need our group of ladies to lean on, laugh with, and encourage us to continue to discover who we are individually and remind us that we are uniquely beautiful as we are. I met two of my best friends in high school and as a freshman in college. I know for a fact I wouldn't be where I am today without them. On a chilly Spring afternoon, I had the privilege of meeting and getting to know four incredibly beautiful, talented young ladies and they reminded me of the importance of this truth.
Most of you would probably agree that college is a very important milestone in life. It is one of the first rights of passage into adulthood. You leave high school and childhood memories behind while embracing the many new challenges, hopes and dreams ahead of you. It's the next four years that you really start figuring out who you are, who you want to be and what you want to do with your life. In many ways, this season in life feels limitless.
I remember my first day at college. I remember meeting my roommates and their parents. I remember meeting my best friend and realizing right then and there that we would be kindred spirits. I remember those long nights doing homework with my college friends. And I remember gradation day. It was a day I will never forget and one that was incredibly bittersweet.
Flashback four years ago, these girls, all from different parts of the country were freshmen at Rhodes College and quad mates in the dormitories. It wasn't long after that they all became the best of friends. I am so excited to introduce you all to Jessica, Marguerite, Ahmun and Brooke! Jessica and Marguerite are both graduating with degrees in English. Ahmun will receive her degree in Biology and Brooke will graduate with a degree in Environmental Science. These girls have exciting futures ahead of them! :D
Jessica, Ahmun, Marguerite and Brooke, I wish you the very best as you continue pursuing your dreams. I hope during these next few exciting weeks as you wrap up classes, exams, pack up the last four years of your lives and prepare for your graduation, that each of you will embrace every moment and enjoy the time that is left in this season. And when you are all off chasing life and new dreams, remember to check in with each other, because there's nothing quite like a sisterhood like what you four have. <3