Taking the Train to Christmas Town | Personal
Merry Christmas everyone!
I wanted to take a break from my regular photography blogging (which I am so behind on), to share a personal post! Saturday night I took my adorable three year old son, Mark, on the Polar Express Train to Christmas Town! We went with my friend Laura and her sweet little girl Leighton. Mark is all about trucks, trains, planes and cars. He loves telling me about how they work and scuffing up his pants while pushing his big trucks around. He will see a truck on the road and say, "Mama, look! Cool truck!"
Last year I wanted to take Mark on the Polar Express train ride, but knew he just wasn't quite old enough to enjoy it. I'm so glad I waited to take him this year, because he absolutely loved it! Laura and I purchased the "First Class" tickets, which gave us an assigned booth on the train. Once we were seated, Santa's elves danced down the isle to Christmas music, passing out souvenir mugs filled with hot cocoa and delicious sugar cookies! As we rode the train, they read the story book to us, sang the theme songs, danced with the children and built up all kinds of excitement for Santa to arrive! Mark loved dancing to the music in the isle with the Christmas elves and "high-fiving" the story book mascots that made their rounds to each of the train cars.
Mark gave Santa a big hug and smile as Santa gave him his little gift - a jingle bell! Mark loved ringing that bell the rest of the ride back to the station. ;) I think this will be a new tradition for the next few short years that Mark is young. Until next Christmas... <3