2019 Personal and Business Goals | Tennessee and Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

As I sit down to write this, we are only two days away from 2019… Like, What?! How did that happen? Some times it feels as if a year goes by so slowly, but before you know it, a new year comes out of nowhere. This year I made a decision to go full-time with my photography business. Phew. It certainly hasn’t been easy, but I am really happy I did. It forced me to be 150% trusting and reliant on God, my Provider. As I reflect over this past year — the ups and downs, triumphs and failures, mountains and valleys, I can confidently say that through it all God was by my side. There were moments I questioned if He was really there, if He could hear my cries, my prayers; if He would provide.

Darlings, not once has He let me down. More often than not, the way He would show Himself to me looked differently than I expected, but isn’t that how He works? He surprises us and what He gives us is far greater than what we could ever imagine. I’ve been learning how to be still, listen and simply talk to Him. This year I walked through His Refiner’s Fire. It’s taken me a whole year to understand that, but that has been my journey for 2018. Here’s the thing, no one really tells you that your twenties are really ten years of figuring yourself out and becoming confident in who you are, what you believe in, and what you want to do with your life. The teenage years feel like that, but honestly, it’s a whole new level in your twenties. It is ten years of growing into yourself, realizing who will walk beside you on your journey and striving to be the best version of yourself and the legacy you’re going to leave behind. I will tell you that I am not the easiest person to love some times. I’ve made plenty of mistakes this year, but I will not let those mistakes define me. 2019 is my last year in my twenties. Turning thirty is a tad terrifying, LOL, but at the same time, I am so excited for this last year and the ways it will prepare me for thirty. In some ways, for me, thirty feels kind of like a new beginning.

Sitting down, praying and writing out what goals I have for both myself personally and for my photography business, these two phrases stuck out to me and I am running with it: “Just Ask” and “You Got This”. I wrote down 15 goals — a mix of personal and business — that I am going to share below. While I have many more, these 15 have the most significance. :) My hope is that by sharing them, you can keep me accountable. If you see me, ask me about them! If you’re reading this, I’d love to hear from you!

Most importantly though, if you’re taking time to read this, if I have worked with you in any way this year, or if you pushed me to dream big, prayed for me or with me, encouraged me, supported me: Thank you. Thank you for supporting my business — this dream. Thank you for helping make it possible for me to do something I love while also making it possible for me to provide for me and my son— that is such a humbling fact!

Much love, MK

Here’s to 2019 and all the Lord has!

-Learn to shoot film

-Read my Bible daily

-Exercise daily


-Send written notes to loved ones

-Take a Mommy and Me trip with Mark

-Learn Photoshop

-Organize a Styled Shoot

-Get my work published

-Knock out debt

-Declutter my life / live with minimalistic intention

-Be intentional

-Pray often

-Drink more water

-Give myself permission to say “No”


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